Greasby Junior School

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Ms G Fletcher 0151 677 1837

Greasby Junior School

Care, Courtesy and Consideration

  1. Home

Welcome to Our School!

It is with great pleasure I welcome you to Greasby Junior School (GJS). We are very proud of our school, one that is steeped in history and with a close community.

GJS is a popular, two-form entry junior school, that is both happy and welcoming to all. We promote and value a safe and stimulating learning environment where our children can thrive so as to reach their potential; where each person is actively encouraged to show thought and interest in the welfare of others through living our core values of ‘Care, Courtesy and Consideration’. We are committed to supporting the social and emotional growth of all the children in our care, and by working in partnership with the parents and families within our school community.

Latest School Calendar Events

Flu Nasal Immunisation19Sep2024

St Anselm's Assessment (Test centre)20Sep2024

Book Fair in School Hall (3.35-4.15pm)24Sep2024

Swimming - 5ES30Sep2024

Y6 Robinwood Residential Visit30Sep2024

Calendars page(s): School Calendar >>

If you have any concerns about the safety of a child, please contact: Mrs E Ball (Headteacher), Miss R Price (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs L Mullineux-Clay (SENDCO) or Miss J Walker (Pastoral and Wellbeing Manager).

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