Greasby Junior School

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Mill Lane, Wirral, Merseyside, CH49 3AR

Ms G Fletcher :

Ms G Fletcher 0151 677 1837

Greasby Junior School

Care, Courtesy and Consideration

  1. Curriculum
  2. Year groups
  3. Year 6

Year 6

 Art Intent.pdfDownload
 DT Intent.pdfDownload
 English Intent.pdfDownload
 Geography Intent.pdfDownload
 History Intent.pdfDownload
 ICT Intent.pdfDownload
 ks2 Sats presentation for parents.pdfDownload
 Maths Intent.pdfDownload
 MFL Intent.pdfDownload
 Music Intent.pdfDownload
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Snow White

Year 6 worked so hard to produce a wonderful pantomime this year; Year 5 provided the choir to accompany them.

Design Technology - Building Shelters

Year 6 designed and built Shelters as part of their

 World War II topic.

Robinwood Activity Centre Presentation

 Robin Wood Presentation.pdfDownload
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Robinwood Activity Centre


Year 6 enjoyed a fabulous three day trip to Robinwood where they took part in many fun activities.

Hope Journey at Greasby Methodist Church

Year 6 visited Greasby Methodist Church where they experienced several different immersive presentations about life during World War 2.