Greasby Junior School

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Mill Lane, Wirral, Merseyside, CH49 3AR

Ms G Fletcher :

Ms G Fletcher 0151 677 1837

Greasby Junior School

Care, Courtesy and Consideration

  1. Parents
  2. School Admissions

School Admissions

 Admission Policy - Oak Trees Academy Trust Dec 23.pdfDownload
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Parents considering enrolling their child may visit the school by prior arrangement, made by telephone or by letter, with the Headteacher.  The school is always open to parents for such visits.


Infant school intake

A meeting is held in the Summer Term for the parents of new pupils. This is a formal opportunity for new parents to meet key members of staff. The Year 2 children have a range of opportunities throughout the year to become familiar with their new school and their new teachers. In addition to spending the morning with their Year 3 teachers at the Junior School in July, they take part in a number of activities at the Junior School in the Summer Term including weekly sporting activities, a ‘Sorting Hat’ assembly, a musical concert with Year 3 pupils and Sports’ Day.


Parents are asked to login securely to their Arbor account (you will receive an email with your login details) and ensure all personal, medical and contact information, in addition to their permissions have been updated.  In the event of an emergency where it is necessary to contact a parent quickly, an emergency contact telephone number is vital. This information must also be kept up to date should circumstances change.  A key feature of our communication system is a school email which is used to provide instant information to all parents or carers.



Click  Local Education Authority's Admissions Policy to read.

To view information about the admission procedure, please click on the link below:


Apply for a place through Wirral Admissions.